We are here to answer all frequently asked questions. If you can’t find a question and answer which you are interested in, feel free to drop us a message by e-mail or on social media.
We do not send our products to our customers from countries which aren’t belonged to European Union. If you are interested to order accessories for your company but you are not in EU, send us a message.
While ordering your custom leather pad, choose an option “Custom size”. Then, provide length and depth of your preferable leather mat. There is a maximum width and maximum depth because of natural limitations (hide from buffalo can’t be bigger). If you want to make a leather pad bigger, please contact us and we will give you proposition to connect few piece of leather into one.
Yes, if you wan to order more than 10 leather desk pads or other leather accessories, please contact us via e-mail or social media channels. We will prepare for you an offer.
Our leather desk mat is up to 2 millimeters thick. We carefully select hives and process them to make them rigid, but soft enough to make a leather pad sticky to your desk. Based on our experience, we do not use special skeletons or other solution to make it more rigid.
All great crafts require time to be crafted. Especially in leather industry. Our craftsman need around a week to select leather for you leather pad, then tailor it, and finally make all decors in your mat. Pads without big customization will be done faster. Delivery may take from a 2-5 business days. In total, you should receive your order in 10-12 business days.